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School Newsletter

Issue #129

January 1, 2025

Inspecting a Window in a Shower

Learn how to use code when inspecting a window in a shower during a home inspection. The right type of window (safety glazing) inside a shower is important for safety. 

InterNACHI® School Earns 5-Year College Accreditation

5 year accreditation

This milestone affirms our commitment to providing the best training, certification, and education to our members across the globe. And it’s all online and free for members.

Our Home Inspector College Is Tuition-Free

Home Inspector College

Our college provides all of InterNACHI's courses and the Home Inspector Certificate Program to InterNACHI® members for free. 

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Inspecting a Bottle Trap During a Home Inspection

Bottle traps, also known as partition traps, are a type of plumbing trap that utilizes an internal partition to separate the house side from the sewer side. They resemble a small bottle, with an internal pipe designed to allow water to flow while retaining enough to form a seal that prevents sewer gases from escaping.

Free Radon Measurement Professional Initial Training Course

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This course's goal is to train the student to become a certified radon measurement professional. Upon completion, the student will be eligible to take the NRPP Measurement Professional Certification Exam.

Free Wildlife Damage & Signs for Home Inspectors Course

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Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

  • identify the most common wildlife that enters structures and causes problems; and

  • describe wildlife damage or possible intrusion to clients. 

Priority Lab
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Breeze Radon Monitor
Sewer scope training class.
BREEZE ST mold testing kit.
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Pump Up Your Profits
Credit Card

Become Licensed
in Your State

Licensed in your state

Every state or province has its own certification or licensing requirements, and some regulate home inspectors by issuing licenses, and some do not.

InterNACHI's Home Inspector Certificate Program is available to all members regardless of location.

Become a Certified Professional Inspector CPI®

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There are six steps to certification:

  1. Pass the Inspector Examination.  

  2. Join InterNACHI®.

  3. Complete the Code of Ethics Course

  4. Complete the Standards of Practice Course.

  5. Submit four inspection reports. 

  6. Sign the enrollment agreement.

Free Real Estate Presentation Resources

Real Estate Presentation

Do you want hold a presentation at a realtors office but you're not sure where to start? InterNACHI® has resources for home inspectors who need ideas and content. These resources include PowerPoint presentation templates, videos that help sell your ancillary inspection services, and other tips to help you stand out from your competition!

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