Issue #183, November 15, 2023
Celebrating 15 Years of Bringing News to Inspectors

Insurance for Home Inspectors
Inspector Claim Talk Episode #6 is about how to communicate effectively as a home inspector.
$0 Deductible Insurance for InterNACHI® Inspectors
The International Association of Certified Home Inspectors – InterNACHI® – and Elite MGA formed Elite Re, Ltd. (Elite Re), an insurance company that provides E&O and general liability insurance for home inspectors, including the exclusive InterNACHI® Elite Risk Insurance program available to InterNACHI® members.
Inspecting Asphalt Shingles and the IRC® with Glenn Matthewson
Glenn Mathewson describes ways that home inspectors can perform thorough inspections and look for installation defects according to the International Residential Code® (IRC®) and the manufacturer's instructions. He writes a column in the Fine Homebuilding® Magazine.
How to Write Your Own Inspection Report Narratives
Learn how to write your own inspection report narratives. We’ll demonstrate AI-generated narratives and talk about “inspect,” “describe,” and “report” in the Standards of Practice and writing in the past tense. We’ll also talk about "Describe, Determine, Implication, and Direction" (DDID).